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Another Homeowner is Empowered!

Anna May holding key
Owning a home is the key to this family's future

It is an especially happy new year for Anna May and her family as they became our local Habitat for Humanity’s latest official homeowners!
The first year of the pandemic showed us that home is important: for strength, stability, and self-reliance. We are so happy to have helped Anna May's family provide that for their future.

If you haven’t met Anna May and her family yet, they have been working on earning a home through Habitat and being a part of the community they work in.

Before being accepted into the Homeownership Program, Anna May attended several of our financial education classes, including She Means Business. She used that information to build her credit in readiness to apply and prove she could afford to pay for an affordable mortgage.

Habitat for Humanity has three criteria for someone to be accepted into the Homeownership Program: 1. A demonstrated need for better housing; 2. The ability to pay an affordable mortgage, and 3. The willingness to partner with Habitat through sweat equity (designated volunteer work) hours.

Summit County also added the criteria of having worked at least 1,560 hours in the year prior to buying the home.

Anna May worked more than 200 required hours in sweat equity. She also met the Habitat criteria of a need for better housing, as well as Summit County's criteria to work in the county for the past year.

She has plans for nearly every room in the new home, and the security of owning a home within her means is the first step in making a lot of dreams happen.

“This home will be a huge source of stability for my family, and for me,” says Anna May. “Paying an affordable mortgage based on my income will relieve a large part of the financial burden I faced with renting.”

Moving into their new home doesn't end her family's partnership with us, however. Throughout their journey, they have made friends with staff, volunteers and other future homeowners and will always have an invite to our events. They are a part of the Habitat family for keeps!



  • Summit County government
    Summit County government
  • Wells Fargo
  • Eccles Foundation
    Eccles Foundation
  • Sorenson Legacy Foundaiton
    Sorenson Legacy Foundaiton
  • Lease Corporation of America
    Lease Corporation of America
  • Sunrise Rotary Club
    Sunrise Rotary Club
  • Summit Sotheby's
    Summit Sotheby's
  • America Express
    America Express
  • Rocky Mountain Power
    Rocky Mountain Power
  • Park City Muni
    Park City Muni
  • Vacasa
  • America First AFCU